I shook presidint Obama's hand. Presidint Obama sinde my poster. TJ Allison
"I had a good time at the fund raiser. I met Spock from the movie, Star Trek; he acts and in a movie called Heroes he plays a very bad guy. His name is Sylar. He also signed my poster. Jennifer Hudson also signed my poster and the band Earth, Wind and Fire. The whole crew signed my poster. I hope that the world gets better with Obama as president." TJ
"I had a good time at the fund raiser. I met Spock from the movie, Star Trek; he acts and in a movie called Heroes he plays a very bad guy. His name is Sylar. He also signed my poster. Jennifer Hudson also signed my poster and the band Earth, Wind and Fire. The whole crew signed my poster. I hope that the world gets better with Obama as president." TJ
TJ's dad here. TJ had an incredible time at the event in Los Angeles. He held up his sign after President Obama spoke and we were somewhat stunned when the President walked right over to us. He made a signal to his secret service that he was going out to the crowd and then he came over and said hello. We asked him to sign the poster and he did (see above in the bottom right corner). The secret service were a bit jumpy when I pulled out the marker for him to use, but Obama was calm and friendly. He then shook TJ's hand and mine, before moving down the line to shake more hands. TJ had said that if he got a chance to talk to Obama he was going to ask him to make it against the law to use nuclear bombs (the last Indiana Jones movie made a huge impression on him), but when the time came TJ was just in awe of the fact that the President came over to talk to him and shake his hand. I think he mustered a "hi", but that was about it. I'd like to say that TJ's dad was able to strike up a substantive conversation about the need for more stem cell research funding or improving education, creating jobs, fixing healthcare or protecting our environment, but it just wasn't to be. I didn't even get a photo. But we sure collected a great experience for a six year old. This partially makes up for that whole purple ticket fiasco. Next time we'll get a photo......and TJ will remember to ask him about nuclear weapons........