TJ Allison is 6 years old. His blog will post the musings, pictures, art work, and observations of a 6 year old attending the historic inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States. Each day, TJ will type an entry in his blog using "brave spelling". Following TJ's entry, his Mom, Vickie Ideta Allison will try to capture his unfiltered commentary of the day's events. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

T.J.'s bisnis cords

T.J.'s bisnis cords are goeeig to bee good. TJAllison

"Mom and I are printing business cards and we'll hand them out. And they are for TJ's blog. I am going to do tape recording because I would like to add it to TJ's blog. I am going to ask people questions and interview people." TJ

While we are in Washington, DC, TJ plans to interview people about the inauguration. He will tape the interviews and his Mom will transcribe the interviews to be included in his blog. VIA


  1. Way to go TJ!! We'll be reading all about it! Your friend, Sheldon

  2. TJ,

    I am REALLY impressed that you are doing this!

    Go OBAMA! Looking forward to seeing you in DC!

    Sherry Holland
