TJ Allison is 6 years old. His blog will post the musings, pictures, art work, and observations of a 6 year old attending the historic inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States. Each day, TJ will type an entry in his blog using "brave spelling". Following TJ's entry, his Mom, Vickie Ideta Allison will try to capture his unfiltered commentary of the day's events. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I saw Obama and biden

I saw Obama and biden TJ Allison.

"I saw Barack Obama and Joe Biden and their wives at the Inaugural Ball. I took pictures of Barack Obama and Joe Biden from my Daddy's shoulders and I took pictures of their wives. I had fun. We are leaving tomorrow and we are going to fly on an airplane." TJAllison

TJ took a nap after our long day at the Capitol Mall. We were afraid that he wouldn't go to the Western Regional Ball because he was so tired. We managed to coax him out of bed. The Jorgensen's Inaugural party was in full swing when we left for the Inauguration Ball. TJ got his picture taken with Silicon Valley Congressman Mike Honda. Congressman Honda's upbeat personality and dance moves seemed to brighten TJ's spirits. We watched Marc Anthony's band with special guest performer, Jennifer Lopez. Tim held TJ high on his shoulders for about 3 hours to ensure that TJ had a view of the stage. Vice President Joe Biden and Jill greeted the crowd and danced. Around midnight, President Barack Obama and Michelle greeted the elated crowd. They were introduced by the Marine Band. TJ took the pictures of the Vice President and President from Tim's shoulders. I snapped one quick picture of TJ on his Dad's shoulders as we were leaving the ball. You can see that TJ is still yelling "Obama!" or is he yawning? VIA

TJ's Mom, Vickie's Post: TJ's BIG Blog has been an interesting journey. TJ and I started this blog to fulfill his independent study assignment to ensure that his public school continued to receive funds while we were traveling in Washington, DC. We thought that it would be a fun way to keep friends and family informed as well...."two birds with one stone." I know TJ has been touched by the kind comments that have been posted. I am the lucky recipient of a kiss on the cheek each time I read him a comment. I asked him why he kissed me and he said it was a thank you. As I write this post, I feel our Inauguration trip has been bitter-sweet. We were a few feet from our nation's biggest and happiest party and we couldn't hear a thing except for the gun salute that signified that we had truly missed it all. It didn't quite meet our (my husband and my) expectations; yet, we have made so many new friends and have had many wonderful times. Best and most important of all, Barack Obama and Joe Biden are our President and Vice President. Today the sun is bright here in Washington, DC along with our bright spirits for the future. TJ cried last night in his sleep about the inauguration. This morning, he woke up and asked if we were going to the inauguration. His Dad reminded him that we were at the ball last night. I asked him if he was mad at Daddy or mad at Mommy. He said no. He wasn't mad at any one. It wasn't anybody's fault. I've learned a lot from my 6 1/4 year old, as I do each and every day. As a parent, I think each of us tries our best to provide for our children. I know that I shed a number of tears when I saw the disappointment in TJ eyes. What if we woke up earlier? What if we planned ahead better? What if...? TJ is resilient and happy and healthy and watching his favorite Bakugan DVD. We are blessed. I think about how difficult it must be to tell your child that they can't go to college because there is no money; they can't eat because there is not enough food; they can't have new clothes or new shoes... I feel blessed that Barack Obama and Joe Biden are our President and Vice President. Tim, TJ and I are ready to do what we can to help. "Fired up, Ready to go!"

Postscript: TJ's dad listens in to a conversation between TJ and his mom 2 days after the inauguration.

VA: So TJ, are you sad?
TJ: Yes
VA: How come?
TJ: Because we had tickets and they still wouldn't let us in to the inauguration. It wasn't fair. But it is ok.
VA: Why is it ok?
TJ: Don't you think it is ok?
VA: I'm still not sure. So, TJ convince me; why do you think things are ok?
TJ: Because we got to go to the inauguration ball and see Joe Biden and Barack Obama and their wives. That was cool and I took their pictures.
VA: I love you.
TJ: I love you always more.

See pictures at:


  1. Hi again, TJ -- it made me sad to find out about the mix-up with the purple tickets and to learn how dissapointing that was for you; however, I'm sure glad to hear that you're still excited about our new President because I am, too! Everywhere that I went in SB yesterday, people were brimming with joy about Obama. It would be so much fun if you would have lunch with the Grrrls (Aunties) sometime soon so that you could tell us more about your BIG trip to Washington, DC...we could interview you, how does that sound?! See you soon, xoxox -- kdp

  2. I just remembered to look back at your blog after reading about it on Edhat. Thanks for blogging your trip. I know that you'll have many great memories of the trip, with so many different parts to the adventure. Maybe you'll even think of some funny stories about the ticket & inauguration disappointment. You were lucky just to be part of all the excitement. You (and all of us) are also very lucky to have Barack Obama in the white house during your important growing up years. He will certainly help to make the world a better place, and you will be a big help to him, and to all of us. Keep up your interest in politics! Thanks again.
    from Nancy, a fan of yours.

  3. Hi, TJ! I was just talking to your Mom on the phone and she was telling me about your Washington adventure. I'm sure you were disappointed at not being able to get into the inauguration, but at least you were there (just outside the gate instead of inside). I used to work for the House of Representatives, so I know how exciting it can be just to roam around Washington and soak in all that history, as well as history in the making. And you'll probably never forget how freezing it was! And you got to see our new President and Vice President! Your aunties are looking forward to hearing you tell us all about it! Love, Christy
