TJ Allison is 6 years old. His blog will post the musings, pictures, art work, and observations of a 6 year old attending the historic inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States. Each day, TJ will type an entry in his blog using "brave spelling". Following TJ's entry, his Mom, Vickie Ideta Allison will try to capture his unfiltered commentary of the day's events. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My intrvyou with a delugit

"My first interview was with a delegate and the delegate is my Daddy. And my Mom printed out business cards and we hope we can have lots of fun at the inauguration.

TJ: Hello, so what would you like to say today?

Tim Allison (TA): My name is Tim Allison and I was an Obama delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Denver. I'm really excited to go to the inauguration in Washington and see Barack Obama become our next president.

TJ: Me too. So, let's talk about the inauguration.

TA: OK, I think the inauguration is going to be incredible because there are going to be about 3 million people. It will be the biggest party in the country.

TJ: I think so too. And, I hope that we have space.

TA: I think so because the inauguration is held at the Capitol Mall, and the Capitol Mall can fit millions of people. There will be plenty of space but I think that it may be kind of cold out there.

TJ: Why do you think that the inauguration is important?

TA: The election of Barack Obama is very important because the nation has gone down the wrong track and there are a lot of things that need to be fixed in this country. There are people out of work, the country still doesn't have health care, and we are still at war in Iraq. I think that Barack Obama has the ability to lead this nation in a better direction. That is why a lot of people rallied to the cause and voted for Barack Obama and put him in office. Because they didn't want to see us continue down the same path as before. A lot of people really want to make sure that this country is better for the next generation, for kids like you. So that when you get older, we haven't left you with all the problems we have today. We should have health care for everybody and kids should be able to go to college to make a better lives for themselves and their family. I think Barack Obama is going to help. I don't think anybody, not even Barack Obama, can do it all. But I think with the help of a lot of people like you and me, he can make things better. I'm excited and hopeful.

TJ: And when I grow up, whoever I vote for, I'll vote for the better person.

TA: Good for you."

TJ's interview with Tim Allison, who was an Obama delegate to the Democratic National Convention. Tomorrow, TJ will interview Ms. Kate Ford, Pricipal of Peabody Charter School and Das Williams, Santa Barbara City Councilmember. VIA


  1. Hi TJ!!

    It's Mikki Jee, your old Montessori teacher! Bonnie sent me your blog and I am so enjoying reading about you, what you're doing, your interviews, etc.! I love that you're using invented spelling and wish I were also going to the inauguration. You are sooo very lucky to go and it will be such a historical event! You are right about it will be very, very crowded!

    I will be thinking of you on January 20th and will continue to check out your blog. Please say hello to your parents for me! Way to go TJ!

    Your friends in Red Door miss you!


  2. TJ--Great reporting. With your Dad's permission, we've made you an honorary "Teen" reporter, and linked to your blog from our site, the Santa Barbara Middle School Teen Press ( Keep up the good work! -- David T-L, Faculty Advisor/Webmaster
